HIP V. HYPE is an ethical, socially conscious and environmentally focused group of businesses. We enable best practice apartments and townhouses, provide ambitious yet pragmatic sustainability consulting and facilitate connection and capacity building through our collective spaces.

We collaborate to resolve more environmentally sustainable, more socially responsible and more commercially intuitive solutions for a better built environment.

Our aim is to influence and build the more equitable, resilient and prosperous future we deserve.

Our responsibility is to leave our cities and regions in a better condition than we found them.

Because we deserve better.

Who We Work With

We seek to work with people and organisations who value sustainability and recognise the need for positive change.

In identifying and delivering our work, we seek to support more balanced action to achieve better. 


Support the protection of human health by encouraging healthy lifestyles and resilient health & human services.   

Support the protection of human rights and promote just, fair and equitable social engagement and the strengthening of communities.


Support efforts to rapidly decarbonise our economy to limit global warming to 1.5℃ compared to pre-industrial levels.

Support nature-based solutions to regenerate biodiversity and enhance healthy ecosystem services. 


Support the potential of human creativity and ingenuity to enable a more equitable economy. 

Support skills development to enable a just transition to the low carbon economy.

Because we deserve better.

In delivering our product, we attempt to find a balance between value for money, quality and durability and importantly low impact, responsibly sourced materials with low embodied energy & carbon and a low ecological footprint.

Because we deserve better.