Following on from the success of Nightingale 2.0 and Ruskin Elwood, Ferrars & York comprises 22 apartments in South Melbourne, enabled by HIP V. HYPE.
HIP V. HYPE's Better Buildings team were engaged to
conduct a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), to calculate
the embodied carbon impacts of Ferrars & York across
materials and construction. The assessment was
conducted in line with international standards 14040
and 14044, and the European standard EN 15978:2011.
Zero Carbon, Climate Change & Resilience
South Melbourne VIC
Commencing with a review of the bill of quantities and any available Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), HIP V. HYPE utilised life cycle design software, eTool LCD, to model the building. This model was subsequently peer-reviewed by a third party certifier before final approval and publication.
The LCA quantified for HIP V. HYPE the carbon offsets required for Ferrars & York to achieve carbon neutrality in construction, whilst also identifying material and process improvements to incorporate in future projects
- Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) in Accordance with European Standards Using eTool LCD Software

- Calculated total (and per m2) embodied carbon impacts associated with construction
- Highlighted high-carbon materials and sustainable alternatives
- Advice regarding process improvements to improve accuracy of future LCA's