Bayside City Council joined a growing number of councils by declaring a climate emergency on December 17 2019. Whilst Bayside has a strong history of environmental and climate related work, with targets for carbon neutrality for council operations, the emergency lens is a new driver and so requires a different and urgent response, with the community as a key partner in the journey.
Bayside City Council
Bayside, VIC
Draft Plan
Bayside City Council
Bayside City Council
In declaring a climate emergency, there is recognition that action is not just about ensuring a healthy environment, but also critically about securing a functional future economy and society.
Through targeted engagement and analysis of local and international examples HV.H developed opportunities relevant for the specific local context. We did this by:
Internal and external engagement: adapting to the social distancing restrictions, we delivered engagement through online platforms to ensure broad input and support for the plan
Gaps & opportunities assessment: an in-depth review of existing policies and strategies to gain an understanding of actions already committed to and policy / strategy gaps
Action development: using the engagement and the gaps & opportunities assessment a broad range of actions were developed
To be successful the Bayside’s Climate Emergency response will need to be a whole of Council approach. The Climate Emergency Action Plan was finalised in mid-2020 and is set to guide Council’s Climate Emergency response.