The Bendigo Regional Employment Precinct (BREP) is a 294ha precinct located south of Marong, approximately 13km west of Bendigo City Centre. Its development will be an important part of providing long-term industry needs and employment opportunities for Greater Bendigo’s growing population. 

HIP V. HYPE was engaged by the Victorian Planning Authority in partnership with Greater Bendigo City Council to investigate sustainable development opportunities for the BREP and position the precinct as a national exemplar in sustainable, commercially successful regional industrial development at scale.


Victorian Planning Authority


Sustainable Precincts


Bendigo, VIC


Bendigo City Council 


We identified four focus areas as critical to the success of the BREP: net zero carbon, climate resilience, circular economy, and leadership and governance. Using these as a framework, HIP V. HYPE produced a Sustainability Opportunities Report establishing a clear, sustainable vision for the BREP including an in-depth analysis of 25 sustainability initiatives capable of maximising each of these opportunity areas in the context of the BREP.

  • Innovation scan of leading local, national and global industrial precincts
  • Policy and technical document review
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Sustainable vision development
  • Analysis of precinct-scale sustainable development opportunities
  • Foundational technical basis for decision-making as part of the Precinct Structure Plan process
  • Place-based implementation of State and Local strategies and targets, including zero net emissions and circular economy transition objectives