Our work in facilitating the creation of the Byron Arts & Industry Precinct Plan presents a shared vision for this eclectic precinct and a high-level road map to help stakeholders work together to make the vision a reality.


Byron Shire Council


Sustainable Precincts


Byron Bay, NSW




In partnership with Tract and Harley Graham Architects, HIP V. HYPE Sustainability facilitated an Enquiry by Design (EBD) process bringing together council staff, local business people and other stakeholders to collectively design a shared vision for the future of the precinct.

The Enquiry by Design (EBD) process adopted a 'user centred design' approach to the development of the precinct plan:

  • Discover: ’Walkshop’ through the precinct to challenge attendees’ pre-held conceptions of the place, identifying opportunities and challenges.
  • Define: Priority issues which need to be addressed and get clear on goals for the precinct.
  • Develop: Generate options and develop solutions openly with respect to goals and priority issues.
  • Deliver: Test and refine solutions to deliver the foundations of the Precinct Plan based on strong technical foundations and shared understanding.

The process deepened mutual understanding about Council’s role, the levers available to drive change, and how local businesses and community can contribute.

The Precinct Plan is due for public exhibition in early 2020.